Course Syllabus

The course discusses stability in nonlinear systems of differential equations, bifurcation theory, chaos, strange attractors, iteration of nonlinear mappings and fractals, along with their applications in science and engineering.

Prerequisite: MAT232H5/233H5, 223H5, 212H5/242H5/244H5,

Exclusion: MAT335H1, MATC35H3 (SCI), More information about the course are here.

Textbook: Stephen Lynch - Dynamical Systems with Applications using Python  --  Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, and 17. 

The PDF version of the textbook is freely available through the UofT Library. To access the book follow this link and login using your utorid. You are not required to purchase a physical copy of the book. In case you need a physical copy, you can buy one for 25$ (cheaper than the regular price) through Springer MyCopy by visiting this link. This service is available to you through the UofT library.  

Some topics from, Clark Robinson - An Introduction to Dynamical Systems: Continuous and Discrete (on course reserve at UTM library), are also covered. I will provide all the notes for these advanced topics. 

Additional Reading: (Not required but recommended. The library has copies of the following books.)

  • Steven H. Strogatz - Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: With Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering.
  • Hirsch, Smale, and Devaney - Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and an Introduction to Chaos. 

Some advanced texts: (For those who are interested in learning further.)

  • Lawrence Perko - Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
  • James D. Meiss - Differential Dynamical Systems


Course Summary:

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