What is collagen?

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Collagen is a protein that the body naturally produces. It makes up about a third of the body's protein and is essential for joint health. This protein helps to soften the skin and reduce wrinkles. This is why collagen supplements are popular for skin rejuvenation, but does science support their use? And does your body need it?

Collagen as you age

As you age, your body produces less collagen. Although it is not possible to calculate the exact amount of collagen available, symptoms such as joint pain or stiffening of tendons or ligaments may occur as this protein decreases. Muscles become weak, the skin becomes paper, and wrinkles can form. Taking collagen supplements may help reduce these symptoms. Talk to your doctor about the best way to build and maintain collagen.


What damages collagen levels?

In addition to time, the other three main reasons for lowering collagen levels are sunlight, smoking, and sugar. Excessive exposure to UV light destroys collagen fibers, resulting in sunburn and wrinkles. Many chemicals in cigarette smoke damage collagen and cause the skin to sag and wrinkle. Because sugar binds and binds the fibers, the skin loses its elasticity over time.


What can collagen therapy do?

Some plastic surgeries, such as lip injections or wound healing, use collagen injections to swell the skin and fill the face. These injections push the body to produce more collagen. You may need to re-inject after several months to a year to maintain the effectiveness of the collagen injection. Some studies show that supplements improve skin elasticity, reduce dryness, and increase collagen density during use. It also reduces joint pain, helping you to be more active.


What Collagen Can't Do

There is no evidence that collagen treats skin conditions such as eczema or atopic dermatitis. Although collagen injections can help treat acne scars, there is no evidence that collagen supplements can stop or treat acne, and there is no research showing that collagen injections help with weight loss.


Does Collagen Cream Work?

Creams with synthetic collagen may not be an effective way to increase this protein in your body. They create a protective barrier on the skin that prevents moisture loss, but does not increase the amount of moisture in the skin. It is best to protect your skin from the sun, especially during the early years of life, when your skin may be more sensitive.


Foods that increase collagen levels

Eating healthy foods helps your body produce more collagen. To make collagen, the body stores amino acids called glycine and proline. This acid is found in high-protein foods such as chicken, fish, beef, eggs, dairy and soy. Other nutrients such as vitamin C, zinc and copper are also involved. Vitamin C can be obtained from citrus fruits, tomatoes, and leafy vegetables. You can get zinc and copper by eating nuts, whole grains, and beans.


Pen Bone Water and Collagen

Some good sources of protein to help build collagen are foods such as red meat, chicken, and pen water. To prepare pen water, boil the pen in water for 1-2 days. This removes some of the collagen protein in the pen and boils it in water. The body does not absorb this protein directly through the skin or joints, but breaks it down into amino acids that help build tissues. You can buy pen water or make your own.


Need a Collagen Supplement?

Eating a balanced diet will produce enough collagen your body needs. Most studies on collagen supplementation are small-scale. More extensive research is needed to understand the health effects. However, if you are going to take a supplement, it is generally safe and has no side effects. They are usually made into a collagen powder benefits that can be mixed with beverages or sauces.



Are Collagen Supplements Approved?



The FDA does not regulate collagen supplements, so manufacturers do not have to prove that collagen supplements are effective or safe. When buying these supplements, check the label on the ingredients and look for keywords such as: Collagen Peptides or Hydrolyzed Collagen (Collagen Hydrolyzate, Hydrolyzed Collagen).


Nutrients that increase collagen production

Collagen is produced from procollagen. Prolagen is also a combination of the amino acids glycine and proline. Vitamin C plays an important role in this process. By providing your body with enough of these substances, you can help produce valuable proteins, including:


Vitamin C: Found in citrus fruits, bell peppers, and strawberries.

Proline: Found in abundance in egg whites, wheat germ, dairy products, cabbage, asparagus and mushrooms.

Glycine is abundant in chicken skins and gizzards. It is also found in some protein foods.

Copper: Found in meat, sesame seeds, cocoa collage powder for skin, cashews, and lentils.

The body also needs high-quality protein with amino acids to produce fresh protein. Meat, seafood, dairy and legumes are good sources of amino acids.


What causes collagen breakdown?

Avoiding factors that destroy this important protein may be paramount. These include:


Refined sugars and carbohydrates: Sugar impairs collagen's ability to self-heal. You can reduce your intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates as much as possible.

Excessive sunlight: UV light reduces collagen production. Avoid exposure to too much sunlight.

Smoking: Smoking also reduces collagen production. This affects the healing process of the wound and causes wrinkles.

Some autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, also destroy this protein.


natural source of nutrition

The connective tissue of animal foods such as chicken skin and chicken contains collagen. As you know, tear gas can be obtained by boiling the bones of chickens or other animals.


Gelatin can be thought of as cooked collagen, rich in amino acids needed for protein production.


However, since the protein we eat is absorbed into amino acids and then broken down and reassembled, it is questionable whether eating collagen-rich foods increases the amount in the body. Therefore, it cannot be said that the collagen we eat is added directly to our body's collagen stores.




The most popular types of collagen supplements are "hydrolyzed collagen" and "gelatin". Gelatin is obtained by cooking collagen. The proteins in this collagen are broken down into small peptides that are more easily absorbed by the body.

While there aren't many studies on this, existing studies have shown that supplements are beneficial for:


Muscle tissue: A 2015 study of older men found that a combination of collagen, peptide supplements, and strength training increased strength and strength more than a placebo.

Osteoarthritis: Another study found that taking collagen supplements in people with osteoarthritis during the 70-day study period significantly reduced pain.

Skin elasticity: A 2014 study found that taking collagen supplements in women strengthens skin elasticity. Collagen is also used in topical treatments to improve the appearance of the skin and reduce skin lines and wrinkles.

Some experts believe that collagen replacements are effective in improving leaky gut syndrome.

Safe use and side effects

Reliable data on the safety or efficacy of collagen supplements are not currently available.


Unpleasant taste, heaviness, and heartburn are some of the possible side effects of gelatin supplements. Also, if you are sensitive to the source of the supplement, your body will respond to ingestion.




Another common way to absorb more collagen is with supplements available in the market and produced in different types. You can use collagen capsules, collagen powder in coffee or tablets. Of course, it's always a good idea to talk to your doctor before taking any supplements or medications. This is because the dosage of these supplements should be based on your body's needs. To increase the effectiveness of collagen supplementation in your body, consider the following recommendations:


Use a supplement that also contains vitamin C. This is because this vitamin absorbs as much collagen as possible.


* If you take the supplement in the morning, it will increase absorption and may be more effective.


* Be sure to use supplements approved and sold by reputable pharmacies.


To increase the effectiveness of collagen supplementation, you need to eat a healthy, varied diet.


Is collagen safe to take?

It is generally safe to take collagen supplements as directed by a health care professional. You should always consult with your doctor before starting a new supplement or increasing your use of an existing supplement. In general, side effects of collagen supplements are mild and may include diarrhea.

Does collagen make your face fat?

However, collagen not only acts like a glue, it also keeps your metabolism healthy to burn fat. And as you age, your collagen levels naturally begin to deplete, resulting in skin wrinkles, weight gain, and joint pain.

What is collagen made of?

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Collagen is a protein made from amino acids, specifically glycine, proline, hydroxyproline and arginine, according to Medical News. Collagen peptide supplements are usually derived from bovine connective tissue or fish or marine collagen.


How do you get collagen?

When the body makes collagen, amino acids combine. These are nutrients you get from eating protein-rich foods like beef, chicken, fish, soy, eggs, and dairy products. This process also requires vitamin C, zinc and copper. You can get vitamin C by eating citrus fruits, red and bell peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, and vegetables.


Does eating collagen make you fat?

Unlike many other supplements on the market, collagen has actually been proven to help with weight loss and fat loss! In addition to losing weight, collagen can help improve skin texture, reduce inflammation, and improve GI health.


Does Collagen Make Your Face Fat?

However, collagen not only acts like a glue, it also keeps your metabolism healthy to burn fat. And as you age, your collagen levels naturally begin to deplete, resulting in skin wrinkles, weight gain, and joint pain.


What Fruits Have Collagen?

Oranges, lemons, grapefruit, pineapple, and guava are all rich in vitamin C, which helps build collagen. “Citrus foods are rich in vitamin C, and a citrus-rich diet may help increase collagen production,” says Klinger.

What is best for wrinkles?

The only FDA-approved topical treatment for wrinkles is tretinoin, commercially known as Retin A. Ashinoff says this prescription cream reduces fine and large lines and repairs sun damage. Retinol is a natural form of vitamin A found in many over-the-counter medicines.

Does vitamin C make collagen?

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Vitamin C (Vit C) is especially beneficial for human skin physiology by stimulating the biosynthesis of collagen. The main types of skin collagen are types I and III, which are synthesized less with age. Although Vit C is one of the major promoters of collagen formation, it does not properly bypass the epidermal stratum corneum barrier.

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3 foods you should never eat

20 unhealthy foods

sugar drink. Added sugar is one of the worst ingredients in the modern diet.

Most pizzas.

white bread.

Most fruit juices.

Sweetened breakfast cereal.

Fried, baked or grilled food.

Pastries, cookies and cakes.

French fries and potato chips.


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