What is White Paper
"White paper" is a term that business people come across at some point in their careers. true or based on patterns of behavior, white paper has become a major element in the crypto industry. Even small investors are accustomed to looking at white papers before investing in Blockchain projects. For many Blockchain projects today, a white paper is one of the most important parts of launching. white paper is a real need, even before launching the website.Stay tuned with Rahbarane Farda, an active website in the field of digital currencies.
What is White Paper?
This article answers the following questions before discussing how to write a white paper.
Definition of white paper
White papers have been around for almost 100 years and were created by the British government. These papers informed the public about key decisions made by some government agencies.
Today, a white paper is a marketing tool used to persuade and influence decision-makers. So why is it called white paper? This is a name given by the British government. The color "white" indicates that the document is publicly available.
Since then, the paper has been made available to the public. When White Paper entered the commercial use phase, its purpose was to be read by all customers.
White paper is presented as a serious document similar to a scientific article. So, its main purpose is education. Today, these articles educate people about the products and services of the project. Because white papers are usually published on websites, they are considered a form of marketing. In business marketing, white papers are used for a variety of purposes. Businesses use white papers to achieve several goals, such as promoting intellectual leadership and increasing email lists. White papers are also used to legitimize the brand and convince customers to attend and buy the project.

What should white paper include?
According to Michael Stelzner, author of -Writing White Papers-, white paper should start with the problem or challenge the reader is facing. Doing so is the easiest way to get the audience's attention and consider their weaknesses.
As the audience reads more, they will be presented with statistics, charts, and facts to understand the main points of the article. Finally, the article presents the solution, which is the service or product provided by the project team. If the author has produced good quality work, the solution will be well related to the problem.
Once the solution has been convincingly presented, the next step is to introduce the team. This section should convince the reader (without the words that suggest your need to sell) that the team can deliver on the project promises.
The team section may include real photos, CVs, and links to LinkedIn and Twitter profiles. Sometimes the team uses NFTs as their profile pictures, though this is probably not the best way to gain trust. Confidence signals invite the reader to explore further, while also showing them that the team has nothing to hide.
In addition to the above, the article may provide information on token issuance and market considerations. This should include details about the token, such as their value, the number of tokens in circulation, and the platform on which they are going to be issued.
Another important part to include is what your next step is if you can't raise enough money. Terms and conditions, or a link to your website, should also be included in this section.
Finally, the article can be completed with a roadmap. The roadmap is usually divided into seasonal goals. These goals help readers relate what they have already read in the article, especially the problems they address, to the solutions the project offers.
By explaining the roadmap in this way, the article helps the target audience to understand the project more concretely. Once the project is launched, readers and investors alike can use the roadmap to track whether the team is achieving its stated goals.
On the other hand, the roadmap also helps to identify the team. Will they achieve their stated goals or not? Losing a goal can damage the credibility of the project.
White paper formatting and design
After completing the white paper, formatting should be a priority. Readability is overlooked in many of these articles and makes them illegible.
Since The term Crypto is all over the place, it is important to consider beginners in your audience. People new to Crypto do not know many of the terms in the Crypto world. The best way is to use the terms in such a way that all audiences, whether old or new, understand what you mean.
Another consideration in the formatting is the space. Some white papers are difficult to read because the lack of space in the text affects the reader.
It is very important to pay special attention to the space between paragraphs and other elements. Other elements may include diagrams, pictures, and other visual assets that help to understand the main points.
By giving the reader enough space, the article helps him to breathe while pausing and resting before moving on to the next section. It may seem illogical, but these interruptions allow readers to digest the information and continue reading until the end.
Graphic designers can also help with formatting problems. However, where designers have the most impact is to ensure that all visual design elements align with the goals and identity of the project.
Doing so can further attract the customer to The White Paper and its goals.
On the other hand, ignoring the design can lead to an unprofessional perception. Readers may even have difficulty remembering this article.
This is why white paper design should be left to a skilled designer. Because a professional designer understands the target audience and key goals. In addition, the designer can work with the author to make all elements of the text relevant and meaningful.
Quality also increases as content and visual elements relate to each other.