Heic format was adopted by Apple in 2017 with iOS. This new format is tied to the Apple ecosystem and other devices can’t use heic files. Therefore we need convert heic to jpg for viewing in every devices.
Fortunately, converting heic to jpg is very easy especially on a Mac with some natine apps like photos and preview. But maybe is it your question, “ how we can convert heic to jpg online or offline?”
Therefore read this article and follow the below passages.

What is heic format?
Heic files root in high Efficiency Image File Format that these words made the abbreviation of “HEIF” . heic files have two main advantages; high quality and low capacity.
How to convert heic to jpg online and offline?

For converting heic to jpg, you have some ways that we categorize to online and offline. Well, offline way is suitable for people that they have no internet on that moment for converting heic to jpg and online is opposite of offline.
How to Convert heic to jpg online?
In this method you have some ways such as online tools, applications, websites and etc.
Converting heic to jpg on iphone
For converting heic photos to jpg on iphone, you can use files app.
You must copy photos from the photos app and then paste them in a folder in the Files app. With this way you converted heic photos to jpg format easily.
Converting heic to jpg on google drive
Google drive is a storage based on cloud. In google drive you can save your files online and then access them anywhere from different devices like smartphone, tablet and computer.
If you are searching a way for converting heic to jpg in google photos, we can help you easily.
Converting heic to jpg on google photo
There is another way for converting heic to jpg, with google photos.
Imagine you saved some heic photos on your account in google, then you want view on others devices, so you have to convert them to jpg (popular format for some people).
In this method, you can convert heic to jpg online too.
Converting heicto jpg with some online websites
If you have no time and the other hand you want to convert heic to jpg in one click, we recommend you some online websites. In this websites, you can convert heic to other formats too and being free and secure are two important thing that you can ignore them.
all of the files format that you can convert heic to them in this websites are png, mp3, mp4, gif, doc, pdf .
How to convert heic to jpg offline?
When we use online converter, security of pictures is the main concern of users. As we know safety for images is very important thing that we can’t ignore it easily.
But what should we do, is there a safety way for converting heic to jpg?
Yes, an offline heic to jpg converter is your answer.
Converting heic to jpg offline can have privacy security and transfer speed.
Converting heic to jpg by tools
For converting offline, there are some tools that you can use them.
For example, AOMEI HEIC Converter is a free tool for converting heic files to others formats with high-quality.
Converting heic to jpg by photoshop
You can use photoshop for converting heic to jpg offline too.
This is another offline way for converting heic to jpg offline.
Ending words:
As you read this article for converting heic to jpg online and offline that is very fast, you met some ways.In these list we added heictojpg.com, freeconvert.com/heic-to-jpg, convertio.co/heic-jpg and heictoconvert.com.
Our suggestion between these online websites for converting heic to jpg is www.heictoconert.com.
Easy user interface this website, is been heictoconvert for converting heic to other formats very fast. For converting, you need to drag and drop heic files and then in a few seconds export any formats that you wishes.