The best free way to increase the number of members of your channel and have a very powerful effect on increasing your membership is to exchange super groups or telegram channels with each other. There are many groups and channels that are developing and recruiting like you, and their members are almost the same as the number of members of your channel, most importantly that they, like you, do not have to increase the number of members at the beginning of their work. Pay to be paid and prefer to go through the growth path for free. With a little time, you can find a large number of these groups and start talking to their admins about interacting and exchanging members.
How to exchange in Telegram and how to exchange members?
In this type of member exchange, without buy telegram membersLinks to an external site. and the channel in front of you will give you an advertising banner from its channel advertisement to put on your channel, he will do the same for you in parallel, and you will give your advertising banner to him. You give. These banners usually contain photos and promotional texts, and most importantly, the link to each of your channels.
This is a good commodity-to-commodity transaction, but contrary to what you may think, the profit of this transaction is not always divided equally, but in this transaction, someone will benefit more if the banner ad is more attractive. The more attractive and user-friendly your banner is, the more contacts will definitely come to you from the opposite channel. In this type of membership, the only factor that makes the first and last word is an attractive and audience-friendly banner, and if your banner is good, you can be sure that this method is a really good way to increase Telegram membership for free.

Exchange members by counting visits (number of views)
One of the standard and common ways to increase Telegram membership for free is to exchange channel members with each other. The way members are exchanged can be in the form of visits or so-called views. Before I continue this section, I have to make sure you know what the concept of view in Telegram is.
What is the meaning of the number of views?
Whenever a telegram post is inserted, in the lower right corner of the article there is an eye-like mark next to which is a number. The implication of this number is that this post has been viewed several times. In addition to visiting users, Telegram will increase its number by one. So this number shows the number of views of a post.
How are member exchanges visited?
Now that we are familiar with the concept of View and the number of views of a post on Telegram, I want to tell you how to exchange members in this way. The method is that you and the opposite you can download telegram appLinks to an external site. for create channel agree on what time your ads will be inserted, and after the ad starts, the number of views or the same view banner should reach how many banners to remove (remove). Let's look at this with a simple example:
You and the opposite channel agree on the number 10 (10 kilos or 10 thousand hits) and hand over your banners to each other and set the banners to be inserted at the top of the clock, for example, 21:00, and after each banner to the number 10K. The visitor is allowed to remove the banner of the other party from his channel or group. This is an almost balanced deal that has its advantages and disadvantages.