"The world of technology is ahead of its time! Perhaps even reading this interview will keep you up to date with the news of this period. Technology is developing rapidly and web hosting services are no exception!” -Gvantsa Botsvadze, Doctor of International Relations, Master of Diplomacy and International Relations. She is also the founder of TRADEZONE, a company that operates in the field of cloud technologies and offers customers web hosting platform services. The company provides services to the markets of Georgia, Ukraine, Germany, Finland, France, Canada, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States. The company is not only engaged in the introduction of advanced technologies, but also considers the introduction of environmental care and the introduction of green energy as a priority. Empowerment of women in the entrepreneurial field is also important for Dr. Gvantsa Botsvadze.

"For me, as a researcher on gender issues, it was a kind of challenge to step into the world of technology, which according to world statistics is recognized in the field of men.”
However, all this gave me extra incentive. We also started with a professional team, which predicted the possibility of a successful start. I am actively involved in human resource management and I am going to gain experience in this area, which helps me a lot in managing my own business properly.
By combining my own interests and accumulated experience, I want to set a precedent for women entrepreneurs, give them an incentive and convince them that they can make a significant contribution to the development of the country, ”Gvantsa Botsvadze told us in more detail about WORLDBUS.”
Q: Tell us, what was the main purpose of creating WORLDBUS?
The brand WORLDBUS is a dedicated web hosting startup based on cloud technology, which has been operating in the market under the name of TRADEZONE LTD. since the end of 2019. To provide a web hosting platform, WORLDBUS offers affordable, quality and premium service to its customers.
From 2022, WORLDBUS plans a special concept to expand service delivery in Georgia, focusing on cloud technologies. The scale of our plans in the international market is underlined by our company's slogan - "A New Perspective on Global Trade".
Q: What opportunities do you offer to customers?
WORLDBUS offers a wide range of IT services for both business and tech lovers, from cPanel shared hosting to Virtual Data Centers, Virtual Personal Server (VPS), Dedicated Server, Domain Registration and Storage Solutions. All our services are based on the principle of continuous innovation, to which new features are added regularly. WORLDBUS servers are located in different locations, giving users a wide choice depending on their needs.
We currently offer a variety of services in Georgia, Ukraine, Germany, Finland, France, Canada, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Also, WORLDBUS, as the official registrar of .ge domains, recently received approval from Caucasus Online, which will help the company to further expand its services throughout Georgia.
Q: Who is your service for? Who is your target segment?
WORLDBUS's service segment starts from the shared hosting space and expands to a dedicated and independent data center, creating an online data repository for fast and seamless data access.
WORLDBUS services are designed not only for IT professionals, but also for any flexible online business and space user.

Q: What makes your service stand out?
Customers always want access to the latest technology at the lowest possible cost and WORLDBUS has chosen this policy. This is the formula of our success that sets us apart in the market.
Q: What was the market situation like when you started the company and what is your current situation?
There are many companies operating in the field of web hosting. Their number is growing day by day, with increasing demand. IT activity never stops developing and is not limited by time and place.
When the company WORLDBUS appeared on the market, the priority was the prospect of access to the global market, which can be considered as a formula for our success. In this industry, supply is "a drop in the ocean" compared to demand. Therefore, constant development is needed, which will be adapted not only to the local market, but also to global trends and innovations.
The key to success and progress in repository service lies in three key principles: upgrade, security, and the prospect of delivering new services to the end user.
Many large or small companies have grown and / or gone into regression during this period. This space of opportunity can also be very risky, so constant development and flexible service is what we focus on.
Q: Tell us about the WORLDBUS team and its experience…
The core of the WORLDBUS team consists of experienced international experts and professionals who have experience working in both international and local markets.
We are proud of our team that has gone through many steps of professional advancement and led the company towards its global development goal. In the future, this will be a great achievement for the Georgian company, in the international arena.
Q: What are your plans for the future?
At WORLDBUS, as an emerging startup, we have been modeling the movement of technology and discussing the terms of optimizing energy consumption to protect our planet, which is so active in today's world.
That is why, in the short term, we think to develop our cloud storage spaces in all parts of the world, focusing on Georgia. In the medium term, we have a plan to launch our own CDN, and in the long term, we plan to launch new green energy data centers to reduce pollution.

Source: WORLDBUS-ის ღრუბლოვანი ტექნოლოგიები, როგორც გლობალური ვაჭრობის ახალი პერსპექტივა