How to Write a Good ISI Paper
Writing scientific papers for publication in peer-reviewed journals allows researchers to communicate the results of their research. In fact, it is an important part of the careers of many researchers and helps to disseminate research outputs to the scientific community. However, writing a good ISI paper seems a highly challenging task, which needs to consider various principles to immune the paper to rejection. In brief, it can be said that the vast majority of papers published in peer-reviewed journals follow a relatively same structure and contain such parts as title, abstract, keywords, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, and references ( https://tat-translator.ir/isi-jurnal ).
The purpose of a title is to attract others to read a paper. It is the first thing a reader sees. Then, it should summarize the main theme of the paper and should be scientifically concise and informative.
The abstract is a short paragraph (around 300 words) that explains the key points of the research and presents a stand-alone summary of the paper. As the primary element of research work, it should be written in a way to encourage a potential reader to read the paper. In fact, the abstract of an ISI paper covers briefly the background, problem statement and objectives, methods and materials, results, and conclusions. It is generally written in passive voice to present the findings of the research and does not usually contain any references.
Keywords are an essential part of an ISI paper. They help other researchers to find your paper. Preferably, 4 to 5 words or phrases should be considered as keywords for a paper.
Necessary background information is provided in the section of the introduction. This section indicates the field of the work, why the field is important, and what has already been conducted (with proper citations). In fact, a gap is presented, research question(s) is raised, previous relevant works are challenged, the purpose of the research is outlined, and the novelty and significance of the research are emphasized. Briefly speaking, the introduction starts with the general and then moves to the specific. The verb tenses used in this section are a combination of the present and the past.
Generally, the answer to two main questions of how the data was collected and how it was analyzed should be provided in the methods section. In other words, this section describes actions taken to do research and the specific procedures and techniques used to identify, select, process, and analyze data. It should be sufficiently detailed and provide enough information to allow other researchers to duplicate the study and evaluate its validity and reliability. The writing in this section should be always in the past tense.
This section presents simply the results and the numerical values obtained using the methods described in the previous section. It is a very short text-based presentation of the findings while including references to tables and figures. The verb tense used in this section should be the past.
The discussion section aims to interpret the results and explain how they help to answer the research question(s). It needs extensive knowledge and includes the stages of presenting a summary of the results, discussing whether results are expected or not, comparing the results to those obtained from the previous research, interpreting the results, and hypothesizing about their generality. In general, this section moves from the specific (the results obtained) to the general (how the results indicate a general principle). The verb tenses used in the discussion section are a combination of the present and the past.
The conclusion section is a brief overview of the results and discussion, emphasizing the implications of the findings and explaining how the work is significant. It presents the key points that the research wants to convey and provides recommendations for future work. The verb tenses used in this section are the present and the past.
As the last section in an ISI paper, the references section provides all the sources cited throughout the paper. Depending on what is demanded by a journal, different referencing styles are used for both in-text citations and the reference list.
Professional Translation and Editing of ISI Papers
Today, English is the primary language of academic publishing for many topics of international interest. Thus, in addition to the challenges of properly writing ISI papers, another challenge that most non-native English-speaking authors face is the professional translation and editing of papers. Submitting a paper that is not only free from language-related errors but also clear and understandable is essential to be published. In fact, to immune ISI papers to rejection, it seems important to use the services provided by proficient bilingual translators, native English editors, and academic subject-matter specialists before submitting the paper.
Offering high-quality professional translation and editing services, the TAT Official Translation Center) https://tat-translator.ir/( is a team of master's- and PhD-level translators and editors who enjoy superior translation and editing skills. TAT provides subject-specific translation and editing services for English/Persian language pair, and the highly trained team members, led by Dr. Ramin Rahmany, ensure accuracy, expertise, and responsiveness in all services, on-time delivery, and confidentiality.
Reducing publication barriers, the highest-quality services provided by the TAT Official Translation Center can bring the manuscripts closer to publication so that the authors can submit a well-translated and well-edited ISI paper to academic journals.
Dr. Ramin Rahmany holds a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics. As a certified translator, he is the founder president of the TAT Official Translation Center that offers such services as the officially certified translation of identity, legal, and company documents, educational in (https://tat-translator.ir/pct/graduation-certificate)addition to translation and editing of ISI papers.