Tutorial 1 - Python Installation, Python Programming and Python Q&A
The tutorial on Python installation and Python programming will be held on Thursday, September 16, and Friday, September 17:
- Section 1: Thursday, September 16, 4:30pm-6:00pm on Zoom Passcode: jjXMQ39kt@
- Section 2: Friday, September 17, 11:00am-12:30pm on Zoom Passcode: 0c9@yqbbVa
Tutorial 1: Python Review - Basics of Python programming & Python libraries you must know
- Slides: ppt.pdf Download ppt.pdf
- Jupyter notebook: (Download images and csv files uploaded below and put it in the same folder as the notebooks to display them inside notebook)
- 1) Common Python Functionality (not covered in Tutorial, DIY as exercise) MIE1624H Tutorial 1 - Python Programming--common functionality.ipynb Download MIE1624H Tutorial 1 - Python Programming--common functionality.ipynb (also, refer to the Lecture 2 before you watch the recordings or run 2nd notebook)
- 2) Python Under the Hood MIE1624 Tutorial 1 Python Programming--Under the Hood.ipynb Download MIE1624 Tutorial 1 Python Programming--Under the Hood.ipynb
- Data files
- Images (for notebook 2):
- Other files:
- data1.csv Download data1.csv (for notebook 1)
- titles.csv Download titles.csv (for notebook 2)