Team Interview Project

Interview Project Teams of approximately 4 students will be assigned to interview a senior organizational leader in the engineering/science community. The team must prepare for their interview in a thoughtful, professional and strategic manner, make arrangements with the assigned interviewee (or their executive assistant where indicated), conduct the interview online (Zoom, Skype, Teams - we recommend you work with the interviewee to select the platform they are most comfortable with), and finally prepare a presentation (up to 8 minutes) to share with the class. The interviews should be completed in Late March/Early April. Presentations will be made in class on April 14 (Wednesday Section) & April 15 (Thursday Section). To respect the time of the busy CEO's, we recommend that the interview itself does not exceed 1hr. 


Evaluation (Assignments)

The team interview project comprises two deliverables worth 25% of the final grade.

            Preparation (Team Profile for interviewee)           (10%)

            Presentation                                                                           (15%)


Project Concepts and Outcomes

This project aims to facilitate learning in two ways:

1) Strengthening your own leadership skills by 

  • Negotiating alignment with your team
  • Developing team values, learning goals and interview questions
  • Giving and receiving meaningful feedback
  • Communicating clearly (written and presentation)

2) Studying role model leadership by:

  • Interviewing a senior engineering leader
  • Practicing meaningful interview techniques
  • Applying course frameworks to their lived experience

File Submission Guidelines

 Please submit all files electronically as a team through Quercus using the following file naming convention.

{Team#}-{assignment}.{file extension}

For example:

Team 1 submitting their alignment map as a word file would submit: Team1-TeamMap.docx

Team 5 submitting their team profile as a word file would submit: Team5-TeamProfile.docx

Team 11 submitting their presentation as a PowerPoint would submit: Team11-Presentation.pptx



Your primary contact on this assignment is your TA: Bella Zhang