Asynchronous | Day 8

Day Eight Asynchronous tasks                                                      


1. Review Course Selection & Finance FAQ

We have add new content to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) we asked you to review prior to our Course Selection Training session this resource will continue to grow throughout the summer.

Please review the Course Selection & Finance FAQs Download Course Selection & Finance FAQs so you are aware of the questions you may be asked by your students. 


2. Academic English Health Health

Next week (May 28th), we'll be joined by the Centre for Teaching & Learning to learn more about their services and supports available to students at UTSC.

One of the very important and unique services offered at UTSC is the opportunity to complete an Academic English Health Check. Not sure what this is? Watch this video for more details (It's less than 5mins!):

We have arranged an opportunity for you to complete the AEHC. This will give you hands-on experience with this resource and the ability to speak about it and encourage incoming students to complete it too!

  • As FYPs completing the AEHC you are encouraged to take the AEHC as yourself or to imagine yourself as a struggling English Language Learner(ELL). If you try the latter, you will be able to get a letter informing you of the score and the recommendation of various programming to support a student who gets that score.
  • By doing the above, you will get to see what programs an ELL with low score would be recommended to take. This will help you advise first year students better.

Did you know that many professors ask their students to complete the AEHC for bonus marks?

Thus, if students do it during the summer, they can be assured of their bonus marks in any courses in Fall and Winter where the prof is willing to give a bonus mark for doing AEHC.

If you have already done it for a previous course yourself, let us know. You don't have to repeat it again!

And if you haven't, I've just been informed that there are 4 sessions available to sign up for between today and tomorrow!

Use the link below to read through instructions in detail for how to join a session. Both Wed (tonight) and tomorrow (Thurs) sessions are taking place at 9pm and 9:30pm (EST). You need to set aside 30mins (it takes about 20mins to complete the survey. Links to an external site.

If you're unable to attend a session today or tomorrow, let me know. We will let you know of an alternative time next week.

Apologies for the short notice. I was just informed and wanted to get this out to you as soon as possible in case some (or all of you!) can complete the AEHC by tomorrow.