Synchronous | Day 4

Monday, May 10th | 9am - 12pm                                                                        


9:30am - 10:30am | Course Selection (Esther)

Coming soon.


10:45am - 11:45am | EDI: Inclusion from the Start (Rebekkah Nighswander)

Presentation Slides: 

Not Applicable


What's included: Course Selection

Link: Links to an external site.

Passcode: fypteam!2021


Please note: Esther has provided the following update since her presentation: 

LWD deadlines: students will need to follow the academic deadline of the campus they are taking the courses. So, if a UTSC student is taking a course at UTSG, this student would need to make a request by the UTSG deadline as indicated on this chart.

Here are the academic deadlines for

  • Drop courses without penalty -> UTSC students follow the UTSC academic deadline
  • Request CR/NCR -> UTSC students follow the UTSC academic deadline
  • Request LWD -> UTSC students follow the academic deadline of the campus where the course is being offered (e.g. taking UTSG course, request LWD by the UTSG deadline)